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Polymer-based Energy Materials Laboratory

고분자 기반 에너지 소재 연구실


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Double locked silver-coated silicon nanoparticle/graphene core/shell fiber for high-performance lithium-ion battery anodes
Minsu Gu, Seunghee Ko, Seungmin Yoo, Eunhee Lee, Sa Hoon Min, Soojin Park*, Byeong-su Kim*
J. Power Source (2015)
Electrostatic force microscopic charaterization of early stage carbon deposition on nickel anodes in solid oxide fuel cells
Hyungmin Park, Xiaxi Li, Samson Y. Lai, Dongchang Chen, Kevin S. Blinn, Mingfei Liu, Sinho Choi, Meilin Liu*, Soojin Park* and Lawrence A. Bottomley*
Nano lett. (2015)
Hierarchical multiscale hyperporous block copolymer membranes via tunable dual-phase separation
Seungmin Yoo, Jung-Hwan Kim, Myoungsoo Shin, Hyungmin Park, Jeong-Hoon Kim, Sang-Young Lee, Soojin Park
Sci. Adv. (2015)
Media Report - Fnnews
Printable Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries: A New Route toward Shape-Conformable Power Sources with Aesthetic Versatility for Flexible Electronics
Se-Hee Kim, Keun-Ho Choi, Sung-Ju Cho, Sinho Choi, Soojin Park and Sang-Young Lee*
Nano Lett. (2015)
A facile route for growth of CNTs on Si@hard carbon for conductive agent incorporating anodes for lithium-ion batteries
Chanhoon Kim, Sinho Choi, Seungmin Yoo, Dohyoung Kwon, Seunghee Ko, Ju-Myung Kim, Sang-Young Lee, Il-Doo Kim and Soojin Park*
Nanoscale (2015)
High-performance silicon-based multicomponent battery anodes produced via synergistic coupling of multifunctional coating layers
Jung-In Lee, Younghoon Ko, Myoungsoo Shin, Hyun-Kon Song, Nam-Soon Choi, Min Gyu Kim* and Soojin Park*
Energy & Environ. Sci. (2015)
Agarose-biofunctionalized, dual-electrospun heteronanofiber mats: toward metal-ion chelating battery separator membranes
Ju-Myung Kim, Chanhoon Kim, Seungmin Yoo, Jeong-Hoon Kim, Jung-Hwan Kim, Jun-Muk Lim, Soojin Park* and sang-Young Lee*
J. Mater. Chem. A (2015)
pH-tunable plasmonic properties of Ag nanoparticle cores in block copolymer micelle arrays on Ag films
Jiwon Lee, Seungmin Yoo, Myoungsoo shin, Ayoung Choe, Soojin Park* and Hyunhyub Ko*
J. Mater. Chem. A (2015)
Nanotubular structured Si-based multicomponent anodes for high-performance lithium-ion batteries with controllable pore size via coaxial electro-spinning
Jaegeon Ryu, Sinho Choi, Taesoo Bok and Soojin Park*
Nanoscale (2015)

Plasmon-Assisted Designable Multi-Resonance Photodetection by Graphne via Nanopatterning of Block Copolymer
Un Jeong Kim †, Seungmin Yoo §, Yeonsang Park † , Myoungsoo Shin §, Jineun Kim †, Heejeong Jeong †, Chan-Wook Baik †, Young-Geun Roh †, Jaesoong Lee †, Kyuhyun Im †, Hyungbin Son ∥, Sungwoo Hwang †, Chang-Won Lee *†, and Soojin Park *§
ACS Photonics (2015)



A high-performance nanoporous Si/Al2O3 foam lithium-ion battery anode fabricated by selective chemical etching of the Al-Si alloy and subsequent thermal oxidation
Gaeun Hwang, Hyungmin Park, Taesoo Bok, Sinho Choi, Sungjun Lee, Inchan Hwang, Nam-Soon Choi, Kwanyong Seo and Soojin Park*

Chem. Comm. (2015)


Cost-Effective Scalable Synthesis of Mesoporous Germanium Particles via a Redox-Transmetalation Reaction for High-Performance Energy Storage Devices
Sinho choi †, Jieun Kim †, Nam-Soon Choi † , Min Gyu Kim *‡, and Soojin Park*‡

ACS Nano (2015)


An operando surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) study of carbon deposition on SOFC anodes
Xiaxi Li, Mingfei Liu, Jung-pil Lee, Dong Ding, Lawrence A Bottomley, Soojin Park, and Meilin Liu*

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2015)



Revisit of metallothermic reduction for macroporous Si: compromise between capacity and volume expansion for practical Li-ion battery
Sinho choi, Taesoo Bok, Jaegeon Ryu, Jung-In Lee, Jaephill Cho,* and Soojin Park*

Nano Energy (2015)


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